Eyelash Extension with Latisse


Latisse (bimatoprost opthalmic solution) 0.03% is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate or insufficient eyelashes) used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker. It was originally a glaucoma medication called Lumigan. After patients using Lumigan noticed their eyelashes getting long and thick, Allergan studied it more and had bimatropost FDA approved as an eyelash growth stimulator. Latisse is the only FDA approved medication/treatment for eyelash growth-stimulation. The FDA study showed that eyelashes typically grew 25 percent longer, 106 percent thicker and 18 percent darker. In one clinical trial, patients saw results gradually over time (starting at 4 weeks with full results after 16 weeks).

One bottle of Latisse comes with 60 eyeliner brushes. The directions indicate that you should use 2 brushes per day (one brush for each eye) and then dispose the brush. So, the bottle will last one month, however if you use one brush per day the bottle will last 2 months. After 4 or 5 months of daily treatment, you may be able to use it less often and maintain the effectiveness.

While most everyone may want the look of longer, fuller and darker lashes, not everyone may be right for the treatment. Dr. Khan will have to evaluate your medical history to determine if you are a good candidate. You should not use Latisse if you have an active eye condition, including an eye infection, or have broken or irritated skin on your eyelid. And if you are using products for elevated intraocular pressure, you should only use Latisse after consulting with your eye doctor.

To find out if Latisse is right for you, consult Dr. Khan for an initial evaluation which includes a review of your medical history, pretreatment photographs, and analysis of possible contraindications. As part of your consultation, Dr. Khan will write you a prescription with a refill and discuss the application technique.

The cost of the initial consultation is $100. Follow up visits for refills are $50.